How To Take Protein Powder? 9 Creative Ideas!

Tired of drinking protein shakes daily?
Well, we’ve got you covered!
A hectic workout session demands a protein boost with some delicious protein shakes. While new gym-goers wonder how to take a protein powder, fitness enthusiasts tend to find new ways of consuming their favorite protein powders.
You can take protein powder through protein shakes. Other alternatives are protein balls, protein pancakes, protein powder coffee, etc.
Want to know more about these combinations? Let’s find out and discover some new ways you can take your whey protein powder.
Different Ways To Take Protein Powder
While protein shakes are the most popular and compatible form of taking protein powder, you can still try different combinations to change the taste.
We’ll discuss protein shakes and other forms in which you can take your favorite protein powder.
1. Protein shakes

As mentioned before, protein shakes are the easiest and most popular form of consuming protein. These shakes tend to be best when consumed post-workout as our body needs immediate protein at that time for muscle recovery.
Here’s how you can make a protein shake:
- Add a liquid base. This usually includes milk, yogurt, or water.
- Add your favorite fruits. For example, you can add bananas, mangoes, and berries.
- For a different taste, pour one cup of vanilla-flavored almond milk.
- At the end, add two scoops of your protein powder and shake in the blender.
It’s better to use water as the liquid base for post-workout protein shakes. After workouts, our body needs immediate protein, and the water base tends to dissolve quickly in the muscles. Yogurt and milk tend to make you feel full for longer.
Here’s the recipe video.
Also, here’s our very own protein shake recipe.
2. Protein pancakes

Are you wondering how to take protein powder for weight loss?
Protein pancakes can be a yummy breakfast treat to start your day on a lighter note.
Here’s how you can make protein pancakes:
- In a bowl, add two cups of oat flour, protein powder, and two tablespoons of baking powder.
- Pour some milk into the mixture.
- You can also toss oats and berries for a good flavor.
Adding beaten eggs is also a good idea for better consistency and added protein to the recipe. Also, you can buy a pancake mix from the local store and mix protein powder in it.
Here’s the recipe video.
Also, here’s our very own protein pancakes recipe.
3. Protein Matcha Latte

This recipe will become the favorite of people who enjoy matcha. Although it’s similar to a smoothie or shake, the splash of matcha is more than enough to give a different taste.
Here’s how to make it:
- In milk, add one scoop of protein powder and one tablespoon of matcha powder.
- You can also pour some vanilla syrup for added taste.
- Now, blend this mixture and pour it into a glass filled with ice.
Matcha latte can become your go-to morning drink if you’re a matcha lover, too!
Here’s the recipe video.
4. Protein balls

We love how you can just grab a protein ball on your way to work for an added boost of energy. Well, if the idea of making protein balls and their long cooking time isn’t feasible for you, we’ve come up with a simple recipe.
Here’s how to make yummy protein balls:
- Add rolled oats and nut butter to a bowl or plate.
- Now, add your protein powder.
- For added flavor, you can also use honey or maple syrup.
- Make small balls from the mixture (you don’t need to bake them!)
See, protein balls are super easy to make with this simple recipe. So, get ready to make these balls and grab two before each workout.
Here’s the recipe video.
Also, here’s our very own protein balls recipe.
5. Creamy protein pasta

Are you a pasta lover?
If yes, you would love to try this one!
It’s also simple and easy to make. In your regular creamy pasta recipe, just toss a scoop of your favorite protein powder. While the taste might be similar, you still get the protein boost and energy requirements in your regular meal.
6. Protein mug cake

Protein mug cakes are another go-to option if you’re craving something sweet but your diet doesn’t allow much.
In this recipe, you simply combine the ingredients, which include protein powder, cocoa powder, oat flour, almond milk, and baking powder. Then, mix it all up and heat in the oven.
The best thing about protein mug cakes is that they’re easy to make, have a shorter cooking time, and aren’t messy!
Here’s the recipe video.
7. Protein powder yogurt

While milk and water are common liquid bases in protein shakes, you can also use yogurt to make a delicious breakfast.
In this recipe, you only need to add one scoop of protein powder to half a cup of yogurt. We also recommend adding fruits for nutritional benefits and great taste. For example, you can add bananas, berries, kiwi, and mangoes. Adding peanut butter or maple syrup will also enhance the taste.
Besides being a good breakfast option, protein powder yogurt can make you feel full for longer. You can also replace it with your post-workout protein shake.
Here’s the recipe video.
Also, here’s our very own protein yogurt recipe.
8. Protein coffee

If you don’t want to leave your coffee for protein shakes, why not combine both?
A protein powder coffee will allow you to get your daily dose of coffee along with an energy boost.
To make protein coffee, you can simply add one or two scoops of protein powder to your regular coffee. Another idea is to blend or froth the coffee with your protein powder. Both options are quick and easy.
A protein coffee is also beneficial for cutting extra calories, which can help you lose weight.
Here’s the recipe video.
Also, here’s our very own protein coffee recipe.
9. Protein pudding

Protein pudding is our favorite recipe due to its fulfilling nature and benefits, which are much similar to a protein shake. Plus, it’s super easy to make!
Here’s how to make protein pudding:
- In a bowl, add one scoop of protein powder.
- Add one tablespoon of milk.
- Mix it until it forms a thick consistency, like a pudding.
We recommend adding bananas, kiwis, and peanut butter for a more nutritious meal.
Here’s the recipe video.
Take-away message
The benefits of protein shakes for fitness enthusiasts make them a part of their daily routine. However, having the same drink daily can be boring.
While protein shakes are the ultimate form of consuming protein powders, you can combine them with other ingredients to break the pace!
The good thing is, all these recipes contain high levels of protein, along with other essential nutrients, that will make your gym days more energetic.