weight loss

How To Reduce Excess Fat (Naturally)

how to lose excess fat

Losing weight has become one of the major goals of people today, primarily due to the increase in the number of obese people. That is why almost everyone is concerned about how to get rid of excess fat.

It’s good that you want to lose weight and live a healthy life. But it doesn’t mean you should keep believing in all the myths related to nutrition.

First of all, we need to remember that the weight loss journey is different for everyone. Depending on your lifestyle, age, gender, etc., you will need a different weight loss plan.

So, apart from seeing a nutritionist, one idea is to use ChatGPT for a personalized meal plan.

Still, if you want to get ideas on how to get rid of excess fat naturally, we have planned some tips for you. People often want to rely on medical procedures to lose excess fat, but you should consult a doctor.

So, let’s get into the details of how to get rid of excess fat in your body.

Include lean protein in your diet

lean protein

Lean protein is a great idea to get energy while managing your weight. This includes lean meat, fish, nuts, and legumes.

Apart from providing you with enough energy to exercise and perform daily chores, lean protein is also great for suppressing hunger. This way, you will feel less hungry, and your overall calorie intake will be reduced.

Lean meat is also beneficial for people who want to maintain their weight. People who want to build lean muscles can include it in their diets, too.

Remove fat, but trans fat

One of the biggest weight loss myths is to remove fats from your diet. However, our body needs fat to perform the vital functions.

Among the various types of fats, you should reduce trans fats in your diet.

But, the truth is, most of our foods, like processed food items, contain trans fat. 

Do you know what exactly trans fat is?

When liquid oil turns into solid fat, trans fats are made. In other words, they are called partially hydrogenated oils.

Although trans fats occur naturally in foods like red meat and dairy, they are in small amounts. The artificially-made trans fats can have a negative impact on our health, which includes the increased risk of heart disease.

So, if your main target is to remove belly fat, try removing trans fats from your diet.

Healthy fats are found in foods like eggs, fish, avocados, olives, and nuts.

Boost your overall activity

active lifestyle

Starting yourself on a diet isn’t always useful if you have a sedentary lifestyle. 

Apart from weight loss or weight management tips, a healthy and active routine is necessary for good health.

So, boosting your overall activity can help if you cannot compromise enough on restricting your diet.

Some examples include:

  • Using the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walking early in the morning for a fresh start to the day.
  • Taking breaks for stretching exercises.

While these are some simple tips you can include in your routine, you can also consider hitting the gym for a good boost in your overall activity. 

You can also try other exercises for weight loss.

Stress less

While it may be hard to believe for some, it’s true that increased stress causes weight gain.

It is because of the hormonal changes in the body linked to stress. With the increase in blood insulin levels and blood sugar levels, it causes you to crave food. This way, people cannot stop themselves from eating junk and sugary foods.

You can reduce stress by involving yourself in physical activity, getting enough sleep, ensuring a healthy diet, etc.

Try intermittent fasting

When it comes to weight loss, we have often heard of intermittent fasting

If you’ve heard the same, you’ve heard it right.

Intermittent fasting can help in weight loss and weight management.

However, we also need to make sure that intermittent fasting is not for everyone. If it suits you, you’re good. But if it doesn’t, you can experience side effects. Some people can feel fatigue, digestive issues, and increased hunger.

To make intermittent fasting effective, you need to include the foods you enjoy so you can stick to it in the long run.

Try cardio and strength training

Cardio and strength training are effective for people who want to stay fit while losing weight. In fact, most gym enthusiasts love doing cardio to build muscles.

Among the many benefits of a cardio workout, weight loss is of primary importance. It also helps you get better sleep and strengthens your immune system.

Drink green tea

green tea for weight loss

Drinking green tea is one of the easiest weight loss tips for the lazy ones.

There are many benefits of green tea. When it comes to weight loss, people often consider drinking it to burn extra calories fast.

The effects of green tea on obesity have also been studied clinically.

So, we can say that green tea is a healthy beverage, although we need to do more research on it.

Still, if you consume green tea for your weight loss, remember to combine it with exercise.

Take-away message

Losing weight won’t be easy. Apart from reducing calories in your diet, you’ll also need to push yourself out of the lazy lifestyle and exercise.

So, if you’re worried about how to lose excess fat, you can use our tips to stay on track. 

For the right advice, you can consult a professional as well.

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