About Us
The intriguing story about why we’re doing what we’re doing.
We Wanted Change
So we brought it ourselves. Like a lot of 20 year olds, we were crazy about commercial brand protein powders. You know, the ones who sway you by their flashy marketing and shirtless superstar endorsements. At the time, we bought into it, but slowly...we realized something was wrong.
Everyone had the same brand message: “Use our protein powder. Get massive muscles like this shirtless dude you see on our page”.
Nothing seemed truly raw, genuine, and transparent.
The Nasty Supplement Industry
We were feeding these brands who were doing us more harm than good. Slowly we realized that these ‘healthy’ supplements shared many of the same ingredients you found in sugary sodas and confectionary.
Now, why on earth would we want to feed our bodies with commercial protein powders that were packed with this rubbish?
Plus we were paying a truckload’s worth of money for them. That’s when we decided to come up with our own clean alternative.
Bringing It Home
We got to work. The first step was getting our hands on the highest quality raw whey that we could find. Next, we developed one-of-a-kind, spectacular instant flavor drops. Then finally, we delivered it right to your doorstep at 3/4 of the price of the imported commercial brands.
The PakNaturals Way of Whey
Our protein powders were like a breath of fresh air in an industry that cared the least about transparency. The nutritional profile was impressive, plus we gave YOU the choice to drink your protein shakes the way you wanted.
We deliberately chose simple and clean ingredients so that the process of choosing a protein powder became even simpler for you - the buyer.
It caught the eye of a dozen other people who experienced the same problems as we did, and since then, we’ve never looked back.